15 Crucial Questions to Ask Your Dental Implant Dentist

Dr. Keenan Osman • Feb 14, 2024

If you're facing tooth loss, you might be considering your options for restoring your smile. Among these options—dentures, bridges, and dental implants—dental implants stand out for their ability to mimic the look, feel, and function of natural teeth. They often offer a boost in confidence for those seeking a reliable tooth replacement solution, sidestepping the complications and costs associated with other methods. Whether due to periodontal disease, injury, or other dental issues, many turn to dental implants as a solution. If you're contemplating dental implants but don't know where to begin, it's crucial to ask your periodontist the right questions to make an informed decision.

1. How Long They Have Been Placing Implants?

Asking your dental implant dentist about their experience, specifically how long they have been placing implants, is crucial for gauging their expertise and success rate. Experienced practitioners are more likely to deliver reliable results and handle any complexities that may arise during the procedure. This question helps you feel more confident in their ability to restore your smile effectively.

2. How Many Implants Have They Placed?

It's important that you ask this question separately since tenure does not necessarily equal experience.  Some surgeons may only place a few implants each year, whereas others place a few implants a week. In that case, the dentists experience can be misleading. A higher number of implants placed often correlates with a dentist's hands-on experience and their ability to handle various cases, including complex situations.

3. What Type/Brand of Implant Do They Use? Where Are They Made?

Asking your implant dentist about the type/brand of implants they use and where they're manufactured is important for several reasons. First, it gives insight into the quality and reliability of the materials. Different brands have varying success rates, research backing, and warranties. Knowing where the implants are made can also indicate the quality standards and regulatory approvals they meet. This information helps ensure you're receiving a product that's safe, effective, and likely to last, contributing to the long-term success of your dental implant. Some of the major brands of dental implant manufacturers include Straumann, Nobel Biocare, Dentsply Sirona, Zimmer Biomet, and BioHorizons. These companies are known for their research, innovation, and quality products in the field of dental implants, offering a range of solutions to meet different dental needs

4. Am I A Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

Asking if you're a good candidate for dental implants is essential because, while implants offer a versatile solution for tooth loss, they're not suitable for everyone. Key factors include having sufficient bone density to support the implant, overall oral health, and lifestyle factors such as smoking, which can affect healing. Some patients may need additional procedures like bone grafts. Ensuring you meet these criteria can significantly impact the success of the implant.

5. What Type of Training Have They Had?

Inquiring about your dentist's training background is crucial. Have they only completed a university-based program, or are they continuing their education with additional trainings? Optimal training scenarios range from in-depth university programs and extended courses led by renowned experts to rigorous externships.

6. What Types of Sedation are Available at Their Practice?

For dental implant procedures, various types of sedation may be used to ensure patient comfort, including local anesthesia, oral sedatives, nitrous oxide (laughing gas), and intravenous (IV) sedation. The choice depends on the complexity of the procedure and the patient's anxiety level. Local anesthesia numbs the surgical area, oral sedatives and nitrous oxide help relax the patient, and IV sedation provides a deeper sedation level, allowing patients to be in a semi-conscious state but still responsive.

Asking about available sedation types is crucial because it reflects the dentist's commitment to patient comfort and their capability to handle complex procedures. At our practice,
Dr. Keenan Osman's extensive experience with over 3,000 implant placements and more than 500 cases using IV sedation, alongside a 99% success rate, showcases our ability to provide a comfortable experience even in the most intricate surgical cases. This level of expertise and sedation options ensures we meet the diverse needs of our patients, emphasizing safety and ease throughout their dental implant journey.

7. What Type Of Dental Implant Technology is Available at Their Practice?

The presence of advanced technologies such as 3D CBCT scanners, digital X-rays, and CAD/CAM systems in a dental practice not only indicates a dentist's commitment to providing the highest standard of care but also suggests extensive experience in placing dental implants. These tools allow for precise planning, customization, and placement of implants, reflecting a dentist's expertise and frequency in performing such procedures. Conversely, a lack of modern imaging technology or reliance on outdated methods might indicate less frequent engagement with implant procedures.


Choosing the right implant dentist involves asking key questions to ensure you receive the best care and outcomes for your dental implant needs. From understanding a dentist's experience and training to knowing the technology used in their practice, these inquiries are crucial. Additionally, discussing the types of implants, potential candidacy, and possible disadvantages helps set realistic expectations. Sedation options, healing times, costs, and insurance coverage are also essential topics to cover. By thoroughly vetting your implant dentist with these questions, you can confidently move forward with your dental restoration, aiming for a successful and satisfying result. If you're considering dental implants in the Tampa, FL area, we invite you to visit or call our practice to learn more about how we can help restore your smile, starting with a free dental implant consultation.

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